Since my last post, Media Manager as really started to take shape. Many bugs have been found and fixed with is bringing it nearer to a release. Also it now has nearly all the features that will be present in the next release. These include the following:
- Better searching for film and tv information using XBMC scrapers
- Tool to download and stay uptodate with the latest XBMC scrapers
- Much improved film title and show name lookup by variours searching strategies
- New actions, such as ability to execute system commands on media files and rename the media files
- The renaming as also improved quite a bit as the patterns have new elements like optional parts.
- Can lookup film information from .NFO files.
- Improved configuration options
- New XML store for caching media information
- Improved tag chimp source, that will use the sites API instead of scraping the HTML.
- New installer for all platforms.
As you can see that is quite a impressive list of features going into the next release and their are still a couple in the works. The previous version had the concept of sources and stores, but now has the concept of actions. Actions are performed on the media files when they are found. So a new action as been created for renaming media witch used to be the only thing the old version could do.
Users are able to write the own custom actions, stores and stores in Java and use them. This gives a great way for custom things, but also allows for testing of new actions, stores and sources before they make it to a release.
Anyhow the next release is getting closer......