Monday, 4 July 2011

Media Manager v2.0 Released!

Media Manager v2.0 has just been released. The project has had a name changed since the last updated (previously known as MediaInfoFetcher). This is a major update that focus on managing media (Currently TV Shows and Films) and much greater reliability when fetching meta data.

Some of the change high lights are as follows:
  • Better searching for film and TV information using XBMC scrapers
  • Tool to download and stay uptodate with the latest XBMC scrapers
  • Much improved film title and show name lookup by variours searching strategies
  • New actions, such as ability to execute system commands on media files and rename the media files
  • Enhanced renaming patterns which new token types and optional parts to patterns.
  • Can lookup film information from .NFO files.
  • Improved configuration options
  • New XML store for caching media information
  • Improved tag chimp source, that will use the sites API instead of scraping the HTML.
  • Maybe new configuration options (and a new configuration format).
  • New installer for all platforms.
This has been quite a while coming, but it's finally here. Please use the project website to let me know of bugs or feature requests. Also if you find the application useful then let me know on my blog.

So click here for more information.

Thursday, 2 June 2011

MP4 Libraries in Media Manager

MediaManager 2.0 is pretty much ready to release apart from a problem with the MP4ItunesStore. This store is used to save metadata into mp4/m4v files so that they appear correctly in iTunes and can be used with AppleTV, iPad's etc....

In version 1.x this store was based around a command line application AtomicParsely. However this always anoyed me as it was not very easy to use and was slot to drive it from java.

In version 2.x I've been working towards a pure java solution. I first of starting to use jaudiotagger. I found this while working on my podcaster application. This is more about audio files than video though. It works well for podcaster, but not very well for MediaManager. I had to hack it quite a bit before it would work, then I started to find problems with parsing some MP4 files.

I stumbled across mp4parser next. This is pretty good and does everything I need or so it seemed at first. I found a number of bugs in the library. I fixed a number of these and sent patches to the project (Still not been applied :-( ), I then found a case where a DVD I had turned into a MP4 file would get corrupted.  raised a issue on this also. Not only did it courrpt the file, but it gave me no way of detecting a error. Due to these problems I had to stop using the library. The project has a hight amount of activity so I'm still hoping these things might get fixed.

I've looked around for other Java solutions, but not found any. I could possibly write my own or fork one of the others, but that's too much work for now. Instead I've started to look at using a native library called MP4v2 which is used by a number of other C/C++ projects. To create the bindings I'm using JNA. This as not been without problems though. Currently on Linux I'm seeing segfaults unless I use a 32Bit sun JVM. Strangely this happens on a 64Bit sun JVM also. I'm currently hopeing to find out why and fix the problem, but will see what happens.......... It might mean we only have iTunes support for curetain Arch/JVM's.

Anyways once these problems are solved, MediaManager will be ready for release

Thursday, 12 May 2011

MediaInfoFetcher is no more, long live MediaManager

No need to panic, MediaInfoFetcher has been renamed to MediaManager to reflect that the next version will be much more that a tool to fetch media information. It is not a tool for managing Media collections.

Since my last post, Media Manager as really started to take shape. Many bugs have been found and fixed with is bringing it nearer to a release. Also it now has nearly all the features that will be present in the next release. These include the following:
  • Better searching for film and tv information using XBMC scrapers
  • Tool to download and stay uptodate with the latest XBMC scrapers
  • Much improved film title and show name lookup by variours searching strategies
  • New actions, such as ability to execute system commands on media files and rename the media files
  • The renaming as also improved quite a bit as the patterns have new elements like optional parts.
  • Can lookup film information from .NFO files.
  • Improved configuration options
  • New XML store for caching media information
  • Improved tag chimp source, that will use the sites API instead of scraping the HTML.
  • New installer for all platforms.
As you can see that is quite a impressive list of features going into the next release and their are still a couple in the works. The previous version had the concept of sources and stores, but now has the concept of actions. Actions are performed on the media files when they are found. So a new action as been created for renaming media witch used to be the only thing the old version could do.

Users are able to write the own custom actions, stores and stores in Java and use them. This gives a great way for custom things, but also allows for testing of new actions, stores and sources before they make it to a release.

Anyhow the next release is getting closer......

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

MediaInfoFetcher version 2.0 progress so far....

It's been a little while since I posted any kind of update on the my open source project MediaInfoFetcher. For those not familiar with the project. MediaInfoFetcher is a application and a API which can be used to retrieve TV show and movie meta data from Internet sources. This information is then stored locally and can be used to rename media files with the correct title.

Version 1.0 was released sometime ago now, with several updates since then. However it was always had problems keeping up with the web sites that it scraped for information. So I've been working on version 2.0 for a little while now and it's making good progress. A lot of things will change in the next version which will help to keep it up today and always working in between releases.
Some of the features to look forward to:
  • Added a source that uses XBMC media player scrapers.
  • Checks for and downloads updates of XBMC scrappers.
  • Removed the old XMLStore and replaced it with a new one that stores all media files in a single XML file.
  • Removed some of the source which were always broken. Now using the XBMC source instead.
  • Much better searching of media data (films and tv).
  • No longer uses Atomic Parsely to write .mp4 metadata. Uses a pure Java solotuion instead.
  • And much more to come....
Things are shaping up nicely, but it still has a way to go before it's release ready. I'm very pleased with it's ability to use XBMC scrapers. This means it can always obtain media information without having to worry about it going out of date. It also means their are many more sites that media data can be obtained from as their are quite a lot of different XBMC scrapers.